Complaints and claims

In case of revealing ethics violations by the editors, authors, readers and sponsoring editors are entitled to petition to the Ethics Committee of the Educational Establishment «Grodno State Medical University» which is the founder of the «HEPATOLOGY and GASTROENTEROLOGY».
Address: 230009, Republic of Belarus, Grodno, Gorky str., 80 Educational Establishment «Grodno State Medical University», Ethics Committee
Complaints and claims are considered by the Ethics Committee within 1 month. The results of complaints considering are sent to complainants in a written form.
The Ethics Committee considers only those claims which contain complaints on the violation of ethical norms by authors, sponsoring editors or editors. Complaints and claims on manuscript rejections due to low scientific quality of the materials are not considered by the Ethics Committee because it is the entirely question of competence of the editorial staff and editorial board of the Journal.

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