Keywords: histology, microscopic structure, digestive system, cecum, appendix, white rats, rat anatomy


Background. In recent years, there have emerged new directions in the study of the histological structure of the digestive tract in humans and mammals and, in particular, white rats, since non-inbred white rats are the main model for reproducing human pathology under experimental conditions as well as for preclinical testing of new drugs. Objective. A comparative study of the histological features of the cecum and appendix in rats and humans by means of bibliographic analysis. Material and methods. Bibliographic analysis is based on published peer-reviewed articles, books, textbooks, monographs, dissertation abstracts. For the purposes of a systematic review, the literature search (concerning the study of the histological structure of the cecum and appendix) was carried out on the Internet, in native literature sources, the scientific and electronic library of Poltava State Medical University using the following keywords: “histology”, “microscopic structure”, "digestive system", "cecum", "appendix", "white rats", "rat anatomy". Results. The mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract of white rats, in terms of its histological structure, is similar enough to that of humans to serve as an object in the experimental modeling of certain pathological conditions of the digestive system. Conclusions. There has been found an increased concentration of lymphoid nodules in cecal mucosa of white rats. In white rats and humans, the cecum and the appendix in humans are endowed with the same immune defense structures, which together represent the immune system of the digestive tract mucosa.


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How to Cite
Hryn VH. HISTOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE CECUM AND VERMIFORM APPENDIX IN RATS AND HUMANS: COMPARATIVE ASPECTS. journalHandG [Internet]. 2021Dec.27 [cited 2024Sep.20];5(2):138-42. Available from:
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